Intro: Grace-glimpses

Photo Credit: Scott Umstattd

Here we are again. Another Tuesday morning with the kitchen sink stacked and the to-do list spinning. Sometimes the hardest part about life is its dailyness. I hunger to believe there is meaning in the steps I dance every day, even if it’s in a dimension I cannot see.

I must remind myself, almost as often as each new moment is born, that there is.

When God entered flesh and finity He dignified flesh and finite things. Knees and apple freckles, baskets of laundry and cakes of soap. His life in a body sanctifies our own bones. His labor and play lend ours the potential for holiness and magic. Just beneath the surface of what our eyes behold, a breathing God upholds all things with a preternatural, thunderous love.

To be honest, I don’t read blogs very often and was reluctant to start this one. But at the Spirit’s nudgings, I feel led to share a space of words with you. My prayer is that these words would encourage you to see the divine in the nooks and crannies of your daily life. That you may see God electrifying all we touch.

For the next quarter, my intention is to capture brief (about 100 words) moments of grace in my daily life. This practice is in part for my own spiritual formation—and I pray you also may be more attuned to God moving through your quotidian hours.

Thank you for joining the journey.

