Les petits gestes

Photo Credit: Skalekar1992

When the host of a French podcast asked the mother of a son born with a rare, unnamed condition where she saw Christ, the mother said, Dans les petits gestes. In the little gestures: the tender hand of a nurse, the gentle pressure of an embrace. Now I am on the lookout for these little gestures, divine grace embodied in a flutter of soon-forgotten motion. How the couple entering the art museum opens the unwieldy door for my son and me. How in the bookstore an elderly lady (cheeks well-rouged) kneels down to speak to my son face-to-face. How my son (finally learning the meaning of doucement, gently) slows his hand with utmost gravity to touch my temple. Christ is nearer, the mother on the podcast added, than we know.

This microblog is part of a current series called “Grace-glimpses.”




Bare Feet