Letting the Fields Lie Fallow
Photo Credit: SplitShire on Pixabay
As Katherine May beautifully writes in Wintering, winter is a fitting time for rest. For the next two or three months, I’ll be letting the fields lie fallow, that is to say, I’ll be taking a break from the “Experiments on Inefficiency” series and these e-letters.
If you’d like to read my latest work, I’d love to share “Between the Blood and Drought: On Mothers Who Miscarry,” one of the stories that emerged from our miscarriage earlier this year. It seems fitting to share in Advent, a season of longing and waiting.
Here’s a glimpse:
The second time I held a positive pregnancy test I felt, above all things, a giddy joy. What did it say? my husband asked, still wrapped in nighttime blankets. I could not force words from my mouth. Sputtering . All I could do was hold up two fingers like a peace sign. I was trying to say that our children now numbered two— that I held our second baby in my body (the first was still asleep in his crib down the hall). Finally, eyes shimmering , I spoke: I’m pregnant. And he pulled me into his chest…
Read more here at Ekstasis magazine!
May God grant you and yours a joyful Christmas and New Year.