Pause for Gratitude

Photo Credit: Pexels

Thank you for the precious earth-minutes you have given to read my series “Grace-Glimpses.” 

My prayer is that in reading these flickers of grace, your own eyes would be more attuned to divine flutters all around you. 

But perhaps flutter isn’t the right word. Or grace-glimpse either. God does not only mete out grace in droplets, but in downpours. Each day is drenched in His goodness, though sometimes in this dark world it is hard to see. Perhaps the challenge is to train our eyes. As we practice being “all eye” (as desert father Abba Bessarion said at the point of death), we will see glimpsing become gawking become gazing.

Gazing at wonders all around.


Be on the lookout for the next series “Dwell,” coming next week!


Intro to a New Series: Dwell

