Elise Tegegne
Words on faith, culture, and the splendor of the everyday
Partake in the splendor of the everyday with my latest blog!
In a world where pocket screens can volley our attention to six unrelated things in sixty seconds, reading poetry offers practice attending to the only necessary thing..
It is no small thing that the God who holds every atom of the universe, who breathes worlds into existence, who needs nothing from humankind, chose to sit on the earth with those who were made of it...
We often want to skip the uncomfortable, nonlinear steps of transformation, and jump straight to the center. But many of us are like me, in the messiness of process…
All that is breaking in my life is evidence of a divine Gardener close, present–and working…

An excerpt from what I’m reading:
“It is a paradox of human life that in worship, as in human love, it is in the routine and the everyday that we find the possibilities for the greatest transformation.”
Taking winter’s invitation to rest awhile…